Any route. Any booking. Any carrier. Follow your shipment status with our sea shipment container tracking tool's comprehensive step-by-step design. No phone calls, no emails. Simply login into your personal area and you’ll have access to all your shipping information on our sea freight container tracking system.
Shipa Freight and iContainers, based in Dubai, offer digital freight forwarding services and tools for small and medium-sized businesses. Customers get instant quotes, online booking, rate procurement, end-to-end visibility, and data, analytics and compliance information to help them manage their ocean and air shipments.
Key Figures
SMEs served
Top 3
Most visited digital freight platform globally
Service Offering
Shipa Freight provides digital freight forwarding solutions for businesses, offering instant quotes, online booking, and shipment tracking for air, ocean, and road freight.
Rate Procurement & Management
Instant Quotes & Online Booking
End-to-End Visibility
Data & Analytics
Diversified Clients
Shipa Freight serves a wide range of businesses, from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations, facilitating global trade through efficient and accessible freight services.